In Notion, you can create a vast, in depth task manager with all sorts of properties, filters, categories, etc. Sometimes you just need a simple, handy to enter and edit To-Do list for quick entries to make sure you don’t forget “to do” something (pardon the pun).

To create the template, follow the instructions below:

  1. Type / - page to start a new page. you can either widen the page to full width - by pressing the 3 dots in top right corner or you can leave the page as is - in the centre, its entirely up to you.
  2. Type / - table and select table view from the list.
  3. Select new database and call it To-Do list.
  4. Delete the individual items on the table and start to edit the properties.
  5. Edit the tags property by right clicking on it and select edit. change the title to date and change the Type of property to date instead of tags.
  6. Add another property by pressing the + along the top of the table. add a checkbox from the list. Change the title to complete or archived (whichever you prefer). drag this property all the wat to the left of the page. Run your mouse along the property section of the table, until you see the divider highlight, this means you can make the property narrow or wider. You want to drag it all the way to the left, so you can only see the checkbox and none of the property title.
  7. Select the filter section and select the checkbox property, and you want to click “unchecked”. This means that once you have completed a To-Do and press the checkbox, it will disappear from the table.

Your table should look something like this, below -


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