Do you find yourself missing deadlines or forgetting to get something done altogether?

You need a Task Manager - to get your life in order.

Having a task manager lets you keep track of all the tasks you need to complete, whether for work or in your personal life, simply add the task to the template and you can forget about it until you need to complete the task.

Open a new page on Notion and lets begin:

  1. Create a table view - this can be done by pressing / then type Table View, a table will then appear on the page.
  2. Start setting up your criteria for tasks - this is done through Properties. For tasks you will most likely need the following: A. a text property (for the name of the task) B. A date and time property (for when the task is to be completed). C. Person (who is the task assigned to / who will complete it?). D. A Checkbox property for when the task has been completed.
  3. Once all your properties are arranged ,you will want to sort the filters - show you can see the most relevant tasks. A. First filter will be the checkbox - selected the unchecked items to be displayed. This means when you check a task as completed, it will disappear from the screen (into the archive). B. Set all the properties in the order that matter the most to you - i usually do the checkbox, task title, date & time, person assigned.
  4. Under the table, type /linked vein - and click the name of the task table you have just set up - this will be for different appearances - ie today, tomorrow, next 7 days, next 30 days, etc. create 4 different versions.
  5. Once your different versions are created on your page - select the filter button and change the date accordingly. A. Start date is relevant to today, then select this day. B. Date will be relevant to today (select tomorrow). C. For the next 30 days - Start date (select) after today then select one week from now. D. The last table will be for the archive. Here you will selected the filter and press checkbox. You will select the checked option. This will only show the completed tasks.

This should be your task manager setup now complete. all you have to do now, is start adding all the tasks you need to complete.

You can set a property to show what is work and personal tasks - and filter accordingly so you can focus on specific tasks if you are at work or at home.