what to do with properties, filters and sorts - Organise your page as you need it.
Organising your the page you are using (whether it is a task manager, journal or work schedule, you will set up certain criteria to organise the work specific to your needs.
The more properties you have, the more you can filter and sort. You can be as specific as you like.
If you are working on a task manager - you may set properties, such as:
Date & Time, Type (work, personal, etc,) person (who will complete the task), Headers, there is a vast list.
once you have selected your properties, you can go into each one and set options.
For example You can set up a Daily Priority property.
Then create the headings - first thing, quick task, morning, afternoon, evening, etc.
Filters are ways for you to see certain parts of the bigger picture.
Following the example from above, if you had all the above in a table, you can filter the list down to the Morning and you will only see items that have been selected as Morning.
You can also select more than one option. If you only wanted to see the “first thing” and “Morning”, you could select both and that’s all you would see. You can also save this view - so this is only what you will see on a regular basis.
With Sort, you can arrange the items on your table to an order that you want.
Usually the things you will organise into a sort will be dates - so they follow chronological order or the highest priority items will appear at the top of the list.